
Fayetteville NC Botox

As you get older, wrinkles start out small and get more prevalent as you age. Whether you have wrinkles on the forehead, even next to your eyes know as crows’ feet , or around your lip line, it can impact the way you see and feel about yourself. That’s why Awaken Wellness NC is offering Botox and Dermal Fillers to improve how your wrinkles look also how you feel about yourself. Botox is a prescription injectable muscle relaxer made up of a naturally occurring protein that interferes with muscle contraction, which improves the look of your wrinkles.

The benefits of Botox injections include helping prevent wrinkle, lifting contours of the lip area, smoothing out current wrinkles, and can help get rid of migraines.

Common Botox Treatment Areas Include:
Mouth & lips
Around the eyes
Upper nose
Frown lines
Forehead Wrinkles
Crow’s Feet
Frown Lines
Bunny Lines
Smoker’s Lines
Marionette Lines and Mouth Corners
Neck Bands or Cords
Sagging Eyebrows

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